Jim I must Run!

Hey. How you been?

It’s been a while hasn’t it.

You still remember me?

What you been up too?


Well staying alive has been a main priority and thankfully I’m still here.

And I can honestly say Running has played a big part in that.

Firstly when I started this I was no runner, I hated it, loathed it, could never do it, flat footed, big boobed. Running was not for me. No thanks.

Then shit happened.

I got ill as you know. Breakdown after breakdown.

Then I got angry, so fucking angry that I would pace, never settle, never sleep. My brain was hot wired and set to 11.

I was dealing with shit not even the experts really could help me with. I didn’t fit in any of their pre determined boxes.

Then Jim said, Run

Run with me.

Take it out on the pavement.

Pound that bastard with every once of your anger, fear and let it tire you till you can hardly see.

We’ve dabbled with running before, but I think looking back it was a glorified jog at best. (Not that I’m knocking that!) we we’re still out there doing it.

But this time we ran. Ok not a fast run at first, we slowly built each run up in pace. We covered the same distance. 5km was always our goal for every run. A goal, an invisible finish line to mentally cross.

We ran pretty much 4/5 nights out of seven (and still do) and I don’t mind telling you that it HURT! Hurt like hell. Every muscle screaming, my calf’s and ankles feeling like they could give up at any moment. Throat burning, chest feeling like I was on the verge of s heart attack. BUT, it hurt so much less than what I was going through mentally. It felt great to be in pain, to channel all that mental pain and turn into real pain was so cathartic it was thrilling.

To see how quick we were getting faster was such a reward. To be physically tired out at the end of the day and have no choice but to sleep, but body was the boss now. Also I started to lose a bit of weight and my body shape was changing, it was a great new focus.

My diet has changed as I’ve heavily looked into what food is best for running, muscle recovery and general well being. And I don’t want to undo all that hard work with a crap diet. Don’t get me wrong I still eat take out, chocolate, cake! But maybe not to the extent I did before.

Running has given me focus, a real life goal and I can’t express enough how (and I hate the word!) mindful it has been. It’s like the mental pain and anger is left on the pavement. It pours out through my feet as I run. I use the anger and pain to push me on, tell myself I can do this and how good it feels to feel ALIVE.

Now I’m not saying I’m cured! I’m Not BPD Borderline personality disorder ) free and the depression has not just upped and flown away. But I am saying it’s helped immeasurably.

I now get twitchy if I can’t get out for a run, and pound the days problems and turn them into fuel. Mr six will hear the shout Jim I must run! Coined from a old university friend of his who would announce this to Jim early every morning as he left the uni house. And now I use it.


The runner


The runner who did her first 30 minute 5km run.

Me. The flat footed, big boobed, not a chance me.

Life is still not so awesome as I now face the fact I am losing my brother to Cancer.

But I WILL keep running.

I’m lucky to have each day to do so.

All my love to all those who need it.

Jomakessix X

I like hot Vampires so bite me!

I like hot Vampires so bite me!

Hey, how are we doing? Me? Yeah, I’m good. Well Actually I’ve been a bit up and down, blue you might say. No don’t go; this isn’t going where you think it is! See when im feeling a bit discombobulated and … Continue reading


I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but the colours of the leaves are changing around us, the world in my mind is becoming a little more magical for just a few weeks. Take a few steps outside and you are instantly surrounded by changing colour, spectacular light, and a feeling of change.

Autumn is upon us people, it my favourite time of year, I welcome it every year like an old friend returning home. I love everything about it. I think, being a red head, I have a certain affinity with autumn. Picture if you will.

The sun is low; a slight crisp breeze is blowing. The trees glow with reds, oranges as the sun light shines through them like precious stones glinting in the light. Leaves slowly tumble in the wind, floating down to earth, nature’s own scarlet confetti. The leaves crunch under booted feet, delighting in the satisfying crunch, long flowing purple material of a warm dress playfully catches the leaves as she walks down nature’s aisle. The light hits her hair and it glows with reds and oranges, reflecting the trees around her. They walk together in harmony, basking in the day’s glory.

A little romantic yes, but autumn stirs this in me. I think if you are really honest with yourself, this picture isn’t too hard to imagine when you think of autumn.

This time of year excites me; I feel it suits me best. I love nothing more than a flowing skirt, leather boots, cosy knits, gloves, and all the autumnal colours that go with the season. It’s an exciting time of year for the sixes. We embrace it. We home cook more: soups bread, cakes, helping our winter blubber along the way (well it is getting colder!) I’m ready to say good bye to summer, the constant worry of hats, sun cream, and I DON’T LIKE THE HEAT! I welcome the cooler days, time to wrap up warm.

Autumn is sexy, you heard me SEXY! Who doesn’t day dream about getting frisky on fluffy rugs in front of log fires, and hey it’s going to be a big strong armed burly man, (certain to be shirtless as well) to chop all that wood! AHEM! Where was I, insert your own hot flush here! But I think you get my gist!

As you know (if you’re one of my regular readers) music plays an important part in my life and after thinking about this blog, I have come to see that I have a lot of autumnal music. One of my favourite albums is called OCTOBER RUST by TYPE O NEGATIVE, with tracks like green man. Its whole inlay is covered with pictures of autumn leaves and trees. I’ve linked the picture to you tube for your listening pleasure. P.S. the first minute is silent!

Other album musts on an Autumnal playlist are;


    Another big thing about autumn is that it brings the family six together. As soon as the summer holidays are over, the children hark on about how they can’t wait for the October half term and we can have our day of Christmas! Yes you heard right, the sixes have a whole day of Christmas during half term. It has become a tradition that started when we first married and I baked the Christmas cake in the October, followed by a drive out, and ended up buying a Christmas decoration each. And it’s stuck. Every October half term, we pick a day; we drive to our favourite craft centre and garden centre sound tracked with every Christmas cd available. We each choose a decoration for the tree, have lunch out, and come home. Then I make the cake with Christmas music adding the essential magic to the mix (every one stirs the mix for extra magic) then we all snuggle down to watch our favourite Christmas movies (another blog!) whilst the smell of the Christmas cake fills the house, and excitement builds.

    Autumn also brings out the frustrated photographer in me, but since the fabulous Instagram has been released I have an outlet for my novice skills. I try desperately to capture the light in the trees and the colour it has to offer.


I hope I have convinced you of my love for autumn and how its magic never fails to captivate me and my imagination.

I’d love to know how the season affects you, does it inspire or fill you will dread, with the thought of winter on its way. Let me know. As always much love, take an autumn walk for me and enjoy its majesty. Jo x

Ps I hope you like the pictures, all taken on my Iphone.

Marilyn and me :London, a gig and back again

Marilyn and me :London, a gig and back again

Its 5am and I’m up, I  curled my hair at midnight last night, so now time to brush it carefully  to create that lose tousled look I so love and chronically fail at. I’m excited and nervous, im looking forward … Continue reading

Team work a parenting approach

I’ve just been asked on Twitter ” How do I do it ?”

Do what ?

Look after four children .

Now with only having a 140 characters to answer, one word spang to mind TEAMWORK.

To effectively look after and parent our four children Mr6 and I have to be a team. We have to pull together, be a unit and mutually support each other every day. I suppose you could compare us to a football team, it certainly feels like it half the time. Picture, if you will, myself and Mr6 as the managers, but of a small unprofitable club of which we have to fulfill many roles. Such as, Coach, physio, accountants, first aiders, kit washers, PR managers even the team psychologist, and most importantly a referee !

We have to have a carefully considered game plan every time we leave the house as a family; who’s going where, what position in the car is the most unconfrontational, who has the first aid kit, and spare clean kit for the inevitable fall (probably deliberate) into a muddy puddle, for which I hold bloody Peppa Pig personally responsible !

Then when out on a day trip or family occasion, the coach comes out in us both. A full on pep talk on how behave ensues. ” No arguing, no fighting, be polite, smile and talk to great-aunt flo even though she scares the living bejesus out of you, don’t get too silly and please for the love of God,don’t tell the relatives how much mummy swears and tweets, yep there’s the PR manager for you !

But still MR6 and I remain solid, if one has said no to something,no matter if the other really thinks it would be ok, it’s still a NO ! This we have learnt over time, many an argument has been started when one of us has said no, then the other has said ” oh go on it will be alright, it wont hurt them, or the worst one, when a grandparent has asked to do something with the children you know the other wont agree with, that one by the way IS GROUNDS FOR DIVORCE !!!X

Ok we do get times when we think the other is perhaps being a little unreasonable, think that a bad mood/day has fogged their judgement. I know im guilty of this and so is Mr6, but we have to stand together and agree with their decision, if you don’t you are giving your children carte blanche to exploit gaps in the party line, they are crafty little buggers and it doesnt take long before they are playing you off each other. This is when the rows start and chaos begins !

Ok, when the kids have gone to bed or out of ear shot, then you may lay in to the other half for being completely unreasonable and utterly grumpy old fart, and if they side with their mother again I WILL FILE FOR DIVORCE AND BEAT Sorry I mean we will dicuss it rashionally like adults and come to a compromise !

I have a real pet hate of parenting left to just one parent, whilst the other gets to be the good guy, the kids favourite. This is unfair on the other parent and on the children it leads to disputes and unreasonable requests. So be a team, work together: it took two of you to make these babies, mind you I bet one of you came first and not together !!! ( ooh Mrs 6 outrageous ! )

What a brilliant idea ! We should all be encouraging our little adventurers to explore the great out doors ! X

4 Mothers

Great Britain’s National Trust has come up with a list of 50 things to do before you are 11 3/4.  They include skipping stones, climbing trees, observing rock pools, calling owls, and sliding in the mud.

The list makes a great activity to print up, read together and check off.  Then, when you have the list of things still to complete, head outdoors and have some old school fun.

Here is the complete list.

image credit

1. Climb a tree

2. Roll down a really big hill

3. Camp out in the wild

4. Build a den

5. Skim a stone

6. Run around in the rain

7. Fly a kite

8. Catch a fish with a net

9. Eat an apple straight from a tree

10. Play conkers

11. Throw some snow

12. Hunt for treasure on the beach

13. Make a mud pie

14. Dam a stream


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Tonight it’s hard : #someonetalktomeaboutstuffthisbookisbrilliant

Get Over It (Guillemots song)

Its dark in here, I’ve been reading a book one of my twitter friends has beautifully written, and sent to me via email to peruse at my leisure. It’s a spectacular read, he should be very proud of himself.

Whilst  I read, I’m listening to the Guillemots latest album ” hello land ” and its rather beautiful and very dream like and smokey, and I WANT TO TELL SOME ONE ABOUT IT !!!

I want to rave about this brilliant piece of written work I’ve had the privilege to delve into and lose my self in the future. I know it’s a good book , because I’m already thinking of its characters when I’m away from the words, and look forward to a little spare time to continue.

I want someone to pick up on my guillemots hash tag and start to diicuss its merits and how I’m looking forward to the nest three installments that Fyfe and co have promised this year.

I know (hopefully) some one will pick up on my post tonight and again hopefully leave a comment, but  I miss the instant interaction.

Well, goodnight sleep well, and I shall post a proper post tomorrow x Jo x